Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects

  • Type: COOPERATION Future Internet Core Platform

  • Instrument: Integrated Project

  • Objective/Topic: PPP FI - Technology Foundation: Future Internet Core Platform

  • Duration: September 2011 - May 2014

  • Coordinator: Telefonica (Spain)

  • Partners: Thales, SAP, Inria

  • Inria contact: Olivier Festor

  • See also: http://www.fi-ware.eu

  • Abstract: FI-WARE will deliver a novel service infrastructure, building upon elements (called Generic Enablers) which offer reusable and commonly shared functions making it easier to develop Future Internet Applications in multiple sectors. This infrastructure will bring significant and quantifiable improvements in the performance, reliability and production costs linked to Internet Applications, building a true foundation for the Future Internet.

The goal of the FI-WARE project is to advance the global competitiveness of the EU economy by introducing an innovative infrastructure for cost-effective creation and delivery of services, providing high QoS and security guarantees. The key deliverables of FI-WARE will be an open architecture and a reference implementation of a novel service infrastructure, building upon generic and reusable building blocks developed earlier.

The MADYNES contributions to the FI-WARE project are:

  • Sicslowfuzzer, a fuzzing framework for the Internet of Things, that allows to assess the robustness of IoT OSes and applications, networkwise.

  • Flowoid, a netflow probe for Android-based devices, which also provides a netflow location template to convey location information of the device;

  • XOvaldi4Android, an OVAL interpreter for Android-based devices, that is able to retrieve OVAL definitions using a web service, use them to check the current status of the system, and publish a result, using a second web service;

  • the coordination between the Security Work Package and the Inria teams involved in it. This includes the attending to weekly audio conferences, face to face meetings, and making sure deliverables and tasks were addressed in a timely manner.

During 2014, all the contributions of the Madynes team including the developed tools and their respective documentation have been delivered and validated by the Work Package leader.

  • Type: FP7

  • Instrument: Network of Excellence

  • Objective/Topic: Management of the Future Internet

  • Duration: November 2012 - October 2016

  • Coordinator: University of Twente (Netherlands)

  • Partners: University of Twente, Inria, University of Zurich, Jacobs University of Bremen, University des Bundeswehr Munich, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology, University of Ghent, University College London

  • Inria contact: Olivier Festor

  • See also: http://www.fp7-flamingo.eu

  • Abstract: The FP7 FLAMINGO Network of Excellence is composed of 8 partner universities, with complementary knowledge and strong ties to industry. It covers the entire spectrum of network management core functions and application domains, which are required for building, integrating, and disseminating the knowledge of the management plane for the Future Internet.

The objectives of FLAMINGO are (a) to strongly integrate the research of leading European research groups in the area of network and service management, (b) to strengthen the European and worldwide research in this area, and (c) to bridge the gap between scientific research and industrial application. To achieve these goals, FLAMINGO performs a broad range of activities, such as to develop open source software, establish joint labs, exchange researchers, jointly supervise Ph.D. students, develop educational and training material, interact with academia and industry, organize event, and strongly contribute to (IETF and IRTF) standardization.

Our work on network and service monitoring has focused on security for mobile and low power networks. We have proposed a strategy for addressing DODAG-based attacks [25] , jointly with Jacobs University of Bremen. We have also designed a distributed monitoring architecture in the context of advanced measurement infrastructures. These results are presented in section 6.3.5 . In addition, we have continued efforts with University of Twente on extending IP flow-based network monitoring with location information. These ones have been centered on additional use cases, applicability of associating IP Flows with metering processes location, and implementation guidelines from both metering process and collector sides.

We have also pursued activities on automated configuration and repair, with a particular focus on safe configuration and service orchestration issues, which are covered in section 6.3.1 .